Monday, February 1, 2010

Tiger, Tiger burning bright ....

Tiger Tiger. burning bright,

In the forests of the night;

What immortal hand or eye.

Could frame thy fearful symmetry?

This is when I fell in love with this majestic animal, while I was in school, my teacher reciting this poem by William Blake made it so beautiful, that I could not but understand what royal pride it carried in itself. Everything about it....its eyes, its look, its walk , means perfection. Fearful though, but I have always nurtured the idea of petting a tiger cub in my arms. Sounds stupid, but, I know I may not be able to touch a real Tiger, hence, the cubs. Savour this....

"When the stars threw down their spears

And watered heaven with their tears:

Did he smile His work to see?

Did he who made the lamb make thee?"

Fear or Stupidity, Love or just Admiration, There's something about this wild beast that I have always loved. May be that is why I don't feel very good when I hear that we have only 1411 Tigers in India. I don't know what I could do or stop this from happening. But I know for sure, that they don't deserve this. All that I could do sitting in a city to save our neighbours in the forests, is to voice out my support online. I urge you to do it too. Join in & Roar ......

[ Caution : Be prepared for a Tigerous Roar....once you log in, scared me for sure :)]

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